How to download Gnome desktop environment on Kali Linux

Gnome on Kali Linux


1 min read

by default, kali Linux comes with an Xfce desktop environment. But to some people, Gnome is a better option to enjoy the power of kali with smooth and pleasing animations and elements. So here are a few commands you need to run into your Kali Linux Terminal.

1. Update Repos:

type this command in your terminal if you don't know how to update.

sudo apt-get update

2. Download Gnome

Kali Linux has resources to download Gnome from. Use this command after updating.

sudo apt install -y kali-desktop-gnome

You will see a gray screen in your terminal with two options. You have to select lighdm and continue.

3. Default Session

Update the default session you will be using from now on. Use this command and type the number of your gnome session you want to use as a default. e.g 1 or 0

sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager

After selecting your session you just need to log out and log in to see the effect or better restart your machine.

4. Clean up

To clean old Xfce files use this command.

sudo apt purge --autoremove kali-desktop-xfce

Thanks for your reading. I hope it helped you.